Farsite, earn ETH by playing in space

Back at it again with the NFTs!

This time, with a great 3D game that you can play in your browser!
FarSite is a new game on the blockchain that lets you play in different ways. Each item in-game is a Non Fungible token created by the user, and it can be traded on NFT market. Alternatively, you can trade the game's default coin for other currencies (more on that later).

Real Gameplay screenshot (Right in your browser!)

Game has not yet launched officially, but the Alpha version is now live, you can use this link to register, and start earning credits and in-game materials/mods to boost your ships when the game launches. 

You could eventually own planets in order to farm them and earn more materials to craft ships, components, and other in-game foodies.

Links to get you up to speed:

Get ready to explore space, build yourself a nice ship, mine some, and earn NFTS!

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