Hi, I'm Marcos!

Let me start by thank you for taking the time to read this part of the website.

If you made it all the way here, it means you are willing to get to know who am I. A very wise decision if your plan is to consume information from my website.

I'm Marcos Kwasniewski, founder of OneRevamp.

No sharks were harmed  during the
production of this image, Marcos is ok too.

I have been working on marketing and design for over 10 years. I have seen brands start from out of nowhere and become international franchises, and I also have witnessed the power of not-giving-a-crap about marketing and seen big businesses go broke. One things all of these businesses have in common, is the opportunity to grow.

The internet marketing has evolved into very elaborated fields of exploitable opportunities. It doesn't have to he complex. You have access to every single tool you can use to promote your business, do some branding, and even sell straight from your very own website. Here is where OneRevamp comes into play. We show you the tools you need, and teach you how to use them.

I believe that if you have a good product/ service, and you are willing to take the right decisions in order to grow, then your business should not have any issues finding customers. 

You are online, that's a start. Book your complimentary 20-ish minutes with me and let's talk about how we can work together in order to grow your business online.
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